Get to know... Cherry Menlove Bakery & Deli

Get to know... Cherry Menlove Bakery & Deli

This week, as part of our ‘Get to Know’ series, we visited Cherry Menlove Deli & Bakery in Petworth West Sussex. Local owner, Cherry took a moment out of her busy day-to-day to discuss purchasing two hospitality businesses at the cusp of a global pandemic and how sustainability plays a key roll in her current takeaway-only business model. 

Get to Know Cherry from Cherry Menlove Bakery & Deli a bit better and support your local independent businesses.


Hi Cherry! Thanks for taking the time to catch up. Could you give us an overview of Cherry Menlove? 

I own a deli and a bakery in the heart of the lovely market town of Petworth, West Sussex. I purchased both about a week before the first lockdown so this year has been interesting, to say the least. We focus on creating a beautiful and inviting place for people to “Stay a while” which is our tag line. Our food and products are all as locally sourced as possible and we provide homemade food each and every day. Our salads in the summer are served in your Decent Pakcgaing clam boxes with the bamboo forks and our soup in the winter is served in the Decent deli tubs with bamboo spoons. Not a dish is served by us, in these days of takeaway only, that will go on to harm another part of the planet. 

How would you describe Cherry Menlove Deli and Bakery in three words?

Friendly, Tasty, Hygge

What’s your most popular dish or drink on the menu?

Our coffee is a massive hit based on the numbers of cups we have to order!! But our lunches really seem to hit the spot with customers. We try to provide everything necessary for a nutritious, delicious, homemade, locally-sourced meal that people can grab and go. 

What's your current local favourite to visit?

I have to say that we’re totally and utterly spoiled in Petworth. It’s a town that’s absolutely full of the most beautiful antique shops and thriving independent businesses. My immediate neighbours are a florist, a bookstore, a cobbler, a high-end lingerie shop and an antique shop. And that’s just in and around Golden Square.  

What inspires you in the sustainability space?

I’m inspired by people not leaving my business with my products in containers that may damage the environment in any way. I don’t want to be part of the problem and Decent has enabled my business to look amazing whilst giving me as the owner tremendous peace of mind. Which is needed more than ever right now. 

Cherry’s Deli & Bakery

    • Golden Square, Petworth, West Sussex, 
    • 9am - 3pm, Mon-Sat
    • Owners - Cherry Menlove
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