Get to know... Carbon Kopi

Get to know... Carbon Kopi

We caught up with Carbon Kopi, the “hidden gem” of Hammersmith, to learn about the three P’s that make up their speciality coffee shop. More so than ever does community and collaboration play a part in the hospitality industry, and what better way to encourage locals to support locals in 2020, than for everyone to get to know each other a little better.

So, while you’re out these holidays supporting your local community, check out Carbon Kopi, we received intel that they’ve added some new Christmas specials, namely, a Bailey’s hot chocolate and mulled wine... Now that’s one way to warm your cockles this winter. 

Hi team! Could you give us an overview of your local business?  

Carbon Kopi is a speciality coffee shop nestled in residential Hammersmith & Fulham founded by a couple of avid coffee and food aficionados formerly based in NZ. Often described as a hidden gem by people who live just “around the corner”, Carbon Kopi prides itself on friendly service, exceptional coffee and an inviting space to chill out, meet or work remotely.

How would you describe Carbon Kopi in three words?

People, passion, perfection

What’s your most popular dish or drink on the menu?

Flat white. 

What's your current local favourite to visit?

Good Boy

What inspires you in the sustainability space?

Packaging, of course! Being in the takeaway world that we now live in, we can’t afford to be contributing to the massive waste we generate each day. Bio-degradable ‘peanuts’ (the ones that protect packaged goods) blows our mind and we wish more things could be as easily disposed of that way, such as plastic film and wrap.

We're proud to work with locals, like Carbon Kopi, who are leading the way in the UK hospitality industry. Providing plant-based packaging alternatives where needed, and working together to promote a circular economy with compostable products. 

Carbon Kopi

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