Our latest Compostable Canvas for Project Waterfall, designed by Emma Evans-Freke

Our latest Compostable Canvas for Project Waterfall, designed by Emma Evans-Freke

Introducing our latest Compostable Canvas cup design for Project Waterfall, as voted by you at the London Coffee Festival! These limited edition cups are designed by East-Sussex based artist and owner of Blackbird House Designs, Emma Evans-Freke. 

For every cup sold, we'll make a donation to the Project Waterfall charity to help bring a source of clean water, sanitation and education to coffee- growing communities around the world. 

Hi Emma, we love the designs you have created for our recent Compostable Canvas Cup for Project Waterfall, what inspired you to start Blackbird House Designs?

I am so happy that you like the design! I started Blackbird House Designs as a creative platform to share my printed homewares and artwork. I wanted to have a business I could take anywhere, work from home, a coffee shop or on a beach and be flexible around my family life.

Creating artwork that can be then modified digitally to apply to so many items and surfaces was a huge appeal. It combines my love of screen printing and creating design.

We love that your prints are printed by a carbon neutral art printing company, what does sustainability mean to you and your business?

I am very keen that I have a low carbon footprint in my personal life and work life. For me sustainability means creating a business that thrives without a detrimental impact on the planet or people. I am proud to say I am now a plastic free business, using only compostable cellophane when it is absolutely needed and printing on recycled paper and card with vegetable inks. I have a print company that I use that has the same ethos which I am very pleased with as this has not impacted the quality of the print at all. 

What gets you into your creative flow?

Most days start with a long walk out in the fields or the South Downs where I can focus my thoughts and plan for the day. I work from home so I have to clear away distractions, clear my desk and start with a clean space. A good playlist helps, but I do admit every day is different and it is hard to feel creative on demand so I will concentrate on all the other tasks if that is the case.

We asked “what does water mean to you?” for this cup design, can you tell us the story behind this design?

I was very inspired by the brief and the charity Project Waterfall, and wanted to create something that felt clean and fresh, water is the source of life and should be clean and freely available to everyone. I love to create designs with an element of food and drink so combining with a coffee pot made sense and the colours felt appropriate.

Could you tell us more about how it is being an independent business owner in the creative industry?

This is an interesting question. Being a small independent business in the creative industry at the moment is definitely challenging. Costs are high, art is a luxury and there is a lot of competition. You have to really follow your own star, work very hard and give it time. I have learnt so much and become more and more determined to make my mark and create interesting and accessible art. 

How do you think creativity can make a positive impact on the planet?

I often ask myself this question, and to be honest with the planet in such a crisis I do wonder if this is the best way to spend my energy. But creativity brings joy, pulls people together, helps people to have a voice and is a celebration of life. If through what I chose to create, and the materials I use and the people I collaborate with can have a positive impact on other people and influence them to find greener ways to live and work then I feel that is a good start.

Who is your favourite artist/designer and why?

I love Lisa Congdon for her bold and colourful designs, her activism and how she uses her platform to influence, bring awareness, joy and hope.

How can people purchase your prints or get in touch about any collabs?

Oh I have brilliant little website www.blackbirdhouse.co.uk where you can browse and buy cards and prints, do have a peek. And if you would like to work with me on a collaboration I would love to hear from you, info@blackbirdhouse.co.uk.

Follow Emma on Instagram: @blackbird_house_designs_ 


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